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About Us 

Adey's farm is a 500 acre organic farm producing a range of organic meat products. We produce Aberdeen Angus beef, Suffolk and Hampshire lamb, as well as Gloucester Old Spot pork, bacon, gammon, and sausages. Occasionally we also offer goose and chicken. Try our hot burgers, steak, sausages and bacon freshly cooked at Stroud farmers market, where you can also buy our uncooked meats!

Our produce is also available from Chalford Community Store, Woodchester Post office, Natural Grocery and Primrose vale farm shop in Cheltenham and the Better Food stores in Bristol.

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Our Heritage 

We have been farming at Adeys since 1994. We focus on the old breeds as they have good natural mother instincts, they look after themselves and produce a high quality product.


We have miles and miles of hedgerows at Adeys Farm because it was an old fashioned farm when we took it over, we kept all the field sizes the same, this means it is a complete heaven for wildlife. 


Why being Organic is so important to us

When you buy Organic you're buying into a promise that's heavily regulated and licensed. This requires real commitment and attention to detail.


Organic food is produced with natural fertilisers from plants, less energy and more respect for the animals. For example a cow that’s reared organically will never be allowed to graze pasture with less than 0.66 acres per cow, per grazing season, this is 3 times as much space as a free range cow.  


No Pesticides 

No Routine use of antibiotics

Always Free Range 

Better for the Planet 

Better for Wildlife 

No GM Ingredients or artificial flavourings 



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High Quality and Sustainable 

We grow clover lay, which naturally build fertility for the land, and also provides high quality, high protein feed for our live stock.


We aim to produce a product that people feel safe with and is full of succulence and flavour that they can enjoy. Our customers from around the Gloucestershire and Bristol have come to know and respect Adeys Farm and its products and that's why they keep on returning after all these years. 

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